Unit 2 Smart Cars课文+翻译+练习

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Unit 2 Smart Cars课文+翻译+练习

2024-07-03 10:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Smart Cars

Michio Kaku

1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution.




2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry.


3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future.


4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine. The car could also alert the police and provide its precise location if it is stolen.


5 Smart cars have already been built which can monitor one's driving and the driving conditions nearby. Small radars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars. Should you make a serious driving mistake (e.g., change lanes when there is a car in your "blind spot") the computer would sound an immediate warning. 能监控行车过程以及周围行车状况的智能汽车已经建造出来。藏在保险杠里的微型雷达能对周围的汽车作扫描。如果你发生重大行车失误(如变道时有车辆你“盲点”内),计算机立即会发出警报。

6 At the MIT Media Lab, a prototype is already being built which will determine how sleepy you are as you drive, which is especially important for long-distance truck drivers. The monotonous, almost hypnotic process of staring at the center divider for long hours is a grossly underestimated, life-threatening hazard. To eliminate this, a tiny camera hidden in the dashboard can be trained on a driver's face and eyes. If the driver's eyelids close for a certain length of time and his or her driving becomes erratic, a computer in the dashboard could alert the driver.


7 Two of the most frustrating things about driving a car are getting lost and getting stuck in traffic. While the computer revolution is unlikely to cure these problems, it will have a positive impact. Sensors in your car tuned to radio signals from orbiting satellites can locate your car precisely at any moment and warn of traffic jams. We already have twenty-four Navstar satellites orbiting the earth, making up what is called the Global Positioning System. They make it possible to determine your location on the earth to within about a hundred feet. At any given time, there are several GPS satellites orbiting overhead at a distance of about 11,000 miles. Each satellite contains four "atomic clocks," which vibrate at a precise frequency, according to the laws of the quantum theory.


8 As a satellite passes overhead, it sends out a radio signal that can be detected by

a receiver in a car's computer. The car's computer can then calculate how far the satellite is by measuring how long it took for the signal to arrive. Since the speed of light is well known, any delay in receiving the satellite's signal can be converted into

a distance.


9 In Japan there are already over a million cars with some type of navigational capability. (Some of them locate a car's position by correlating the rotations in the steering wheel to its position on a map.)


10 With the price of microchips dropping so drastically, future applications of GPS are virtually limitless. "The commercial industry is poised to explode," says Randy Hoffman of Magellan Systems Corp. , which manufactures navigational systems. Blind individuals could use GPS sensors in walking sticks, airplanes could land by remote control, hikers will be able to locate their position in the woods -- the list of potential uses is endless.


11 GPS is actually but part of a larger movement, called "telematics," which will eventually attempt to put smart cars on smart highways. Prototypes of such highways already exist in Europe, and experiments are being made in California to mount computer chips, sensors, and radio transmitters on highways to alert cars to traffic jams and obstructions.


12 On an eight-mile stretch of Interstate 15 ten miles north of San Diego, traffic engineers are installing an MIT-designed system which will introduce the "automated driver." The plan calls for computers, aided by thousands of three-inch magnetic spikes buried in the highway, to take complete control of the driving of cars on heavily trafficked roads. Cars will be bunched into groups of ten to twelve vehicles, only six feet apart, traveling in unison, and controlled by computer.


13 Promoters of this computerized highway have great hopes for its future. By 2010, telematics may well be incorporated into one of the major highways in the United States. If successful, by 2020, as the price of microchips drops to below a penny a piece, telematics could be adopted in thousands of miles of highways in the United States. This could prove to be an environmental boon as well, saving fuel, reducing traffic jams, decreasing air pollution, and serving as an alternative to highway expansion.



1) Before Anglo-American westward expansion, North America had been shaped by many other cultures.

2) We are confident that the introduction of a(n) automated assembly line will eliminate most of today’s human errors.

3) Warmer air is able to hold more water vapor than cold air and so has a higher humidity.

4) In most communities in the United States, the local American Red Cross chapter has been authorized to take control of certain local public buildings in times of emergency.

5) Traffic control establishes a set of rules and instructions that drivers, pilots, train engineers, and ship captains rely on to avoid collisions(碰撞) and other hazards. 6) Since the launching of the first artificial satellite in 1957, thousands of "man-made moons" have been rocketed into the Earth's orbit, each designed to serve a specific purpose or mission.

7) The thunder crashed so near the house that the glass vibrated in the windows, and some books, which had sat on the windowsill fell to the floor.

8) Radio telescopes have provided valuable information about other stars and about the magnetic fields of other planets in our solar system, especially Jupiter's.

9) At the beginning of the race, the runners were bunched together on the track, but later some of them got ahead and left the others behind.

10) From the control tower, air traffic controllers coordinate aircraft movement both

in the air and on the ground.

11) Further troubles developed in October 1995 when the tape recorder in the orbiter Galileo got/was stuck in the "rewind" position for 15 hours, wearing out a section of t he tape.

12) In 1978, at the beginning of the reform period, approximately 11,000 Chinese students went abroad to pursue further studies.


1 空气中有一种不同寻常的寂静,只有远处响着大炮的声音。

There was an unusual quietness in the air,except for the sound of artillery in the distance.

2 在某些非洲国家城市的扩展已引起生活水平相当大的下降和社会问题的增多。

The expansion of urban areas in some African countries has been causing a significant fall in living standards and an increase in social problems.

3 研究表明大气中二氧化碳的含量与全球温度密切相关。

The research shows that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are closely correlated with global temperatures.

4 最近公共汽车的车辆行驶频率已有改善,从15分钟缩短到20分钟一班。The frequency of the bus service has been improved from 1

5 to 12 minute recently.

5 那位跳水运动员立在跳水板边沿,只等教练发出信号便会立刻跳下。

The diver stood on the edge of the diving board,poised to jump at the signal from the coach.


必修一 Unit 1 Friendship ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in Netherlands during Would WarⅡ.Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazi .She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said ,”I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do ,but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty .”Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15th June 1944 Dear Kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. …For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the windo w had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…. …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains han ging before very dusty windows. it’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Your, Anne 安妮最好的朋友 你想不想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友或者你会不会担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢安妮弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,所以她把的日记当作自己最好的朋友。 在第二次世界大战期间,安妮住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则就会被德国的纳粹分子抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了将近25个月之后才被发现。在那段时期,她的日记成了她唯一忠实的朋友。她说:“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。我要把我的日记当作自己的朋友,我把我的这个朋友叫做基蒂。”现在,来看看安妮自1942年7月起躲进藏身处后的那种心情吧。 1944年6月15日,星期四 亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我太久不能出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神


学士学位英语考试翻译题型解题秘笈 在学士学位英语考试复习中,翻译既是重点也是难点,在此提醒考生一定要给予足够重视。外语教育网的小编为考生整理了学士学位英语考试翻译题型解题秘笈,希望考生认真阅读和学习。 翻译部分是03年增加的题型。放在试卷的最后,共有10个小题,考试时间30分钟。翻译试题由两部分组成。第一部分为英译汉,要求考生把阅读理解文章中划线的五个句子译成中文。第二部分为汉译英,要求考生把五个难度适中的中文句子译成英文。英译汉和汉译英的句子难度均低于课文的英语文章。评分标准要求译文达意,无重大语言错误。翻译部分的目的是测试学生词汇、语法、句型方面综合运用语言的能力。 英译汉应试技巧 英译汉是运用汉语把英语所表达的思想准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。在英译汉的过程中,有两点值得我们特别地注意: 1、汉语所要表达的是英语原文的内容,即句子或文章的意义,而不是句子结构; 2、在翻译过程中,英语原文的内容要准确而完整地重新表达出来,而不是将两种语言结构进行简单的转换。 英译汉的过程包括理解,分析句架表达和校核三个阶段,因此,在英译汉的过程中,往往需要考生从英语到汉语,再从汉语到英语反复的推敲。 (一)理解 理解阶段的目的在于读懂英语原文,弄清原文的意思。为了透彻理解原文,建议考生在复习和应试时采取下列步骤: 1、通读全文。通读全文的目的在于从整体上把握整篇文章的内容,理解划线的部分与文章其他部分之间的语法与逻辑关系。在段落中要搞清划线的句子和其他句子之间的关系,因为孤立地阅读划线部分的英语,往往无法理解该部分的真正含义。一篇好的文章,其前后的意思都互相关联,具有很强的逻辑性,一个单词或句子只有在具体的上下文中才能体现出确切的含义来,因此,上下文能帮助我们正确的理解划线的部分,通读全文是很重要的。但是,在通读全文的过程中应该注意,对非划线的部分不要花费时间过多,对于其中一些不太容易理解的内容也不必太在意,只是搞清大体意义即可。因为通读全文的目的在于帮助自己理解划线的部分,只要能把该部分理解透彻也就足够了。 2、分析划线部分的句子结构。从一般的翻译试题来看,划线的部分一般来说结构句子都比较复杂。复杂的句子如果不搞清楚它的语法结构,很难达到正确完整地理解原文的要求。因此正确地把握句子的结构是进行正确地翻译的关键。 3、理解分析划线部分的含义。考生不仅要弄清句子中所有实词和虚词的词汇意义,还要理解全句的整体意义。理解句子的依据除了句子本身之外,还有该句子所处的具体的语言环境。在此阶段应清楚下列问题: (1)句子中是否含有代词和其他具有指代意义的词,如果有,应根据上下文确定它们指代的内容是什么; (2)句子中的短语和一些常用的词往往具有多种含义和用法,那么,在该句中它们的具体含义是什么; (3)按照你的理解,该部分的意义是否与全篇文章的内容一致,有无相互矛盾。 总之,在动手翻译之前,首先要读懂原文,不要一上来就急于动手翻译,这样做往往会出现一种情况:该题快要翻译完了,猛然又发现自己理解有误,马上就急忙修改,搞的卷面上一塌糊涂,而且很容易忙中出错,把本应拿到的分数丢掉了,这是非常令人可惜的。 (二)表达 表达就是译者把自己从英语原文理解的内容用汉语表达出来,理解是表达的基础,表达是理解的结果,但是理解正确并不意味着一定会有正确的表达,平时做翻译练习时有同学反映,有时对原文理解之后还不知如何用汉语表达,就充分说明了这一点。这里介绍两种基本的翻译方法:直译和意译。 1、直译。所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式。在汉语和英语两种语言中存在着许多共同之处,在对于许多英语句子的翻译过程中,完全可以采取直译的方法,这样可以获得一举两得之功效,既保持了原文的结构,又正确表达了原文的内容。但是直译不是死译和硬译,象It is asserted that…;It is believed that…这一类的结构,如果直译过来那就不伦不类了。 2、意译。汉语和英语分别属于不同的语系,两者在词汇、句法结构和表达方法上具有很多的差异。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不易采用直译的方法处理时,就应采用意译法,意译就是不拘泥于原文的形式,重点在于正确表达原文的内容。例如Do you see any green in my eye象这样的句子,只能采取意译的方法,把它翻译为“你以为我是好欺骗的吗”当然,意译并不等于乱译,胡乱地翻译是不符合“忠实”的翻译标准的。 在具体的翻译过程中,我们应该采取灵活的方法,不论是直译还是意译,只要是符合“忠实、通顺”的翻译原则,都是可取的。在翻译的过程中,我们务必注意以下几点: A、理解透彻之后再动手表达,否则表达的结果会令人莫名其妙; B、切忌在翻译时把汉语和英语对号入座,逐字逐句的对号入座的结果往往是不伦不类; C、切忌擅自增减词意,增减意义与翻译技巧中经常提到的增词法与减词法根本就不是一回事。 (三)校核 校核阶段是理解与表达的进一步深化,是对原文内容进一步核实以及对译文语言进一步推敲的阶段,因此,校核是翻译过程中一个很重要的阶段,并不是可有可无的,通过表达之后的校核,我们可以发现译文的一些问题,确保自己理解的内容很有把握地得到分数。在校核阶段,一般应注意与下列各项有关的问题(1)人名、地名、日期、方位和数字等;(2)汉语译文的词与句有无错漏;(3)修改译文中译错或表达不够准确的句子、词组或词汇;(4)有无错别字;(5)标点符号是否有误。 做汉译英时一般应经过以下步骤


前赤壁赋 宋代:苏轼 壬戌之秋,七月既望,苏子与客泛舟游于赤壁之下。清风徐来,水波不兴。举酒属客,诵明月之诗,歌窈窕之章。少焉,月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间。白露横江,水光接天。纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。浩浩乎如冯虚御风,而不知其所止;飘飘乎如遗世独立,羽化而登仙。(冯通:凭) 于是饮酒乐甚,扣舷而歌之。歌曰:“桂棹兮兰桨,击空明兮溯流光。渺渺兮予怀, 望美人兮天一方。”客有吹洞箫者,倚歌而和之。其声呜呜然,如怨如慕,如泣如诉;余 音袅袅,不绝如缕。舞幽壑之潜蛟,泣孤舟之嫠妇。 苏子愀然,正襟危坐,而问客曰:“何为其然也?”客曰:“‘月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。’此非曹孟德之诗乎?西望夏口,东望武昌,山川相缪,郁乎苍苍,此非孟德之困于 周郎者乎?方其破荆州,下江陵,顺流而东也,舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗,固一世之雄也,而今安在哉?况吾与子渔樵于江渚之上,侣鱼虾而友麋鹿,驾一叶之 扁舟,举匏樽以相属。寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海之一粟。哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷。挟飞仙以遨游,抱明月而长终。知不可乎骤得,托遗响于悲风。” 苏子曰:“客亦知夫水与月乎?逝者如斯,而未尝往也;盈虚者如彼,而卒莫消长也。盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物与我皆无尽也,而 又何羡乎!且夫天地之间,物各有主,苟非吾之所有,虽一毫而莫取。惟江上之清风,与

山间之明月,耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色,取之无禁,用之不竭。是造物者之无尽藏也,而吾与子之所共适。”(共适一作:共食) 客喜而笑,洗盏更酌。肴核既尽,杯盘狼籍。相与枕藉乎舟中,不知东方之既白。 2965 辞赋精选,高中文言文,古文观止,写景,饮酒,感叹,哲理 译文及注释 佚名 译文 壬戌年秋,七月十六日,苏轼与友人在赤壁下泛舟游玩。清风阵阵拂来,水面波澜不起。举起酒杯向同伴敬酒,吟诵着与明月有关的文章,歌颂窈窕这一章。不多时,明月从 东山后升起,徘徊在斗宿与牛宿之间。白茫茫的雾气横贯江面,清泠泠的水光连着天际。 任凭小船儿在茫无边际的江上飘荡,越过苍茫万顷的江面。(我的情思)浩荡,就如同凭 空乘风,却不知道在哪里停止,飘飘然如遗弃尘世,超然独立,成为神仙,进入仙境。 这时候喝酒喝得高兴起来,用手叩击着船舷,应声高歌。歌中唱道:“桂木船棹呵香 兰船桨,迎击空明的粼波,逆着流水的泛光。我的心怀悠远,想望伊人在天涯那方”。有 吹洞箫的客人,按着节奏为歌声伴和,洞箫呜呜作声:像是怨恨,又像是思慕,像是哭泣,又像是倾诉,尾声凄切、婉转、悠长,如同不断的细丝。能使深谷中的蛟龙为之起舞,能


Anne’s Best Friend Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War Ⅱ. Her family was Jewish so nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, ”I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15th June, 1944 Dear Kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. …For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by my self. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window bad to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly …I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne


模拟试题(三) Passage1 1. by "...challenges explanation"(line 2,para. 1) the author means that B. it's no easy job to provide an adequate explanation. 通过“……挑战说明”(2号线,对。1)作者认为提供充分的解释是不容易的 2. the third paragraph is mainly about A. the development of babies' early forms of language. 第三段主要是关于婴儿早期语言形式的发展 3. the author's purpose in writing the second paragraph is to show that children D. learn to speak by listening. 作者写作的目的是为了让孩子们学会倾听 4. from the passage we learn that C. imitation plays an important role in learning to speak. 从这篇文章中我们知道模仿在学习中扮演重要的角色 5. the best title for this passage would be A. how babies learn to speak. 这篇文章的最佳标题是婴儿如何学会说话 Passage2 6. it is commonly accepted in american society that too much sleep is A. unreasonable .不合理 美国社会普遍接受过多的睡眠是不合理的 7. the research done by the dement commission shows that americans C. sleep less than is good for them 由元委员会所做的研究表明,美国人睡眠不足对他们是好的 8. the purpose of this article is to D. convince the reader of the necessity of napping. 这篇文章的目的是要说服读者午睡的必要性 9. the "american sleep debt"(line 1-2,para.3) is the result of B. the traditional misconception the americans have about sleep. “美国睡眠债”(第2行,第3段)是美国人对睡眠的传统误解的结果 10. the second sentence of the last paragraph tells us that it is D. natural to take a nap whenever we feel the need for it. 最后一段的第二句告诉我们,只要我们觉得有必要,就很自然地去睡觉了 Passage3 11. jewish parents in eastern europe longed for their children to attend music school because D. it would allow them access to a better life in the west. 东欧的犹太父母渴望他们的孩子参加音乐学校,因为这将使他们获得更好的生活在西方 12. nurturing societies as mentioned in the passage refer to societies that B. treasure talent and provide opportunities for its full development. 在这篇文章中提到的“培育社会”是指“宝”人才,为其全面发展提供机会的社会 13. japan is described in the passage as a country that attaches importance to C. strict training of children.


形象还是表象? 罗伯特? L ?舒克 成功的形象与表象之间有明显的区别。表象是虚假的现象,要想寻求成功的形象,你必须能够识别这些表象。 有一种形象常被误解,其根源在于人们对目光接触的看法。你不知多少次听到有人说:“他直视你的眼睛,一定是个老实人”。显然,许多人一定认为,不老实的人因说谎而感到惭愧,甚至不能面对他人。但假如老实人因羞怯而不敢直视你呢?况且,骗人的老手知道,许多人根据某人打量他们的方式判断其人品,因此他会故意将目光接触纳入其行为之中。既然你不能依靠目光接触做出灵验的判断,就不该用此法评价他人是否诚实。然而,既然大多数人的确凭此标准判断他人,你务必要经常直视他们的眼睛。 根据一个人打量你的方式评价其诚信并不比根据你的猫或狗对其做出的反应判断其人品更合乎情理。然而,你不知多少次听到狗的主人说:“真有趣——索尔不常喜欢陌生人。他判断人性很在行,他对你友好使我知道你身上有某些优点。”有一次,我来到一位可能成为我客户的人的家中,他的猫“虎仔”对我如此欢喜,竟在我推销产品的整个过程中趴在我的肩上。我推销完毕之后,那人的妻子说道:“舒克先生,虎仔只对我们自家人才会这样。你一定为人忠厚,它才对你这般友好。” 其实当时我没把那只猫推开是因为担心她会撕破我的衣服或抓出我的眼珠。但我却回答道:“是呀,夫人,虎仔显然具有某种能使她能准确判断人性的本能。它的确善于判断人品。”虽然虎仔碰巧正确地判断了我的实情,但我个人却不太相信动物具有判断人类的本能。依我看,动物对人的反应更多与体味和身体动作有关。 有些人根据他人握手的方式判断其人。得体而有力度的握手姿势体现人的个性,而“死鱼”般冷淡无力则不是好兆。我也不喜欢毫无生气、缺乏力度的握手姿势,但却格外小心,并不以此作为判断人的基准。再说,骗人的老手会轻而易举做出热情握手之态。尽管握手之时你应该用力,以便即刻树立一个良好印象,然而下次有人紧握你手之时,可别太当真;这并不能告诉你关于他的具体情况。 某种整洁清秀的外表会树立诚实的形象。譬如,金发碧眼的年轻人,面带稚笑,长相是邻家男孩那种类型,这种典型的美国人的形象几乎总能激起别人的信赖。仅因外表而盲目相信一个人是不合乎逻辑的。然而,大多数人的确如此草率地做出判断。相反,皮肤油黑、黑发油腻、蓄小胡子的邋遢男人不会被人认为其面相诚实。同样,某个女人的长相可能会使人联想到街头妓女的模样,而开价很高的应召女郎可能也会看似娴静清新。自然,衣着和(对女性而言的)化装品与以上所谈的外表问题有很大关系。但不幸的是,不为人所控制的、与生俱来的外貌在大多数人的判断中起着重要的作用。我很同情勤奋老实的推销员,其天生的那幅模样使人不由自主地想到:“他那种人的二手车我可不想买!”另一方面,一个非常阴险的人也许貌似你可信赖的那种人。你怎能肯定一个看似整洁清秀的搭车人不及一个(因为其长相而)貌似危险人物的搭车人危险呢?你怎能肯定此人就一定是个危险人物呢?问题就在于我们往往毫无道理地做出如此草率的决定。 从更大的范围上讲,选民们经常仅因某个政客的外表整洁清秀而对他做出有利的反应。其对手则因没有生就一副令人信任的外表而经常遭到否定的评价。这种判断是错误的,其后果可能是灾难性的。诚然,许多选民投某位候选人的票完全是出于政治原因,但在势均力敌的选举中,不该当选的人会因其整洁清秀的形象而占有优势。


赤壁之战 司马光 (一) 初,鲁肃闻刘表卒,言于孙权(状语后置)曰:“荆州与国邻接,江山险固,沃野万里,士民殷富,若据而有之,此帝王之资也。 当初,鲁肃听说刘表死了,就对孙权说:“荆州与我国接邻,地理形势险要、坚固,肥沃的土地方圆万里,百姓殷实富裕,如果占有它,这就是开创帝王事业的凭借。 今刘表新亡,二子不协,军中诸将,各有彼此。 现在刘表刚死,他(刘表)的两个儿子(刘琦、刘琮)不和睦,军队中的那些将领,有的拥戴刘琦,有的拥戴刘琮。 刘备天下枭雄(判断),与操有隙,寄寓于表(状语后置),表恶其能而不能用也。 刘备是天下的豪杰,跟曹操有仇,寄居在刘表那里,刘表嫉妒他的才能而不重用(他)。 若备与彼协心,上下齐同,则宜抚安,与结盟好;如有离违,宜别图之,以济大事。 如果刘备同他们(指原属刘表手下的人)荆州方面的人同心协力,上下一致,(我们)就应当安抚他们,与他们结盟友好;如果他们有所背离(指刘表和荆州将领不能合作),(我们)就该另外筹划这件事情,以成就(我们的)大业。 肃请得奉命吊表二子,并慰劳其军中用事者,及说备使抚表众,同心一意,共治曹操,备必喜而从命。 我请求奉您之命去慰问刘表的两个儿子,并慰劳(他们)军中掌权的人物,以及劝说刘备使他安抚刘表的部下,同心一意,共同对付曹操,刘备一定会高兴而听从我们的意见。 如其克谐,天下可定也。今不速往,恐为操所先(被动句)。” 如果这件事能够成功,天下就可以安定下来了。现在不赶快前往,恐怕就被曹操占了先机(抢先)。” 权即遣肃行。到夏口,闻操已向荆州,晨夜兼道,比至南郡,而琮已降,备南走,肃径迎之,与备会于当阳长坂(状语后置)。 孙权立刻派鲁肃前往。(鲁肃)到夏口,听说曹操已向荆州进军,(于是)日夜赶路,等(鲁肃)到了南郡,(刘表的二儿子)刘琮已投降曹操,刘备向南逃跑,鲁肃直接迎向前去,与刘备在当阳县长坂

译林四年级英语下册第一单元课文及翻译Unit1 Our school subjects

Unit1 Our school subjects 课文及翻译Story time 1. Welcome back to school, class. Nice to meet you, Miss Li. Nice to meet you too. 欢迎回到学校,同学们。 很高兴见到你,李老师。 见到你们我也很高兴。 2. This is our new timetable. We have English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music and Science. 这是我们的新课程表,我们有英语课、语文课、数学课、美术课、体育课、音乐课和科学课。 3. What subjects do you like, Wang Bing? I like Chinese and Maths. Me too. 你喜欢什么课程,王冰? 我喜欢语文和数学课。 我也是。

4. What about you, Yang Ling? I like English. It’s fun. 你呢,王冰? 我喜欢英语课,它很有趣。 5. Oh, It’s time for PE. Let’s go to the playground. 是该上体育课的时间了。 我们去操场吧。 Cartoon time 1. Hi, Billy. What lessons do we have this morning? Hi, Bobby. It’s Monday. We have Music and Maths. I like Music. 嗨,Billy,今天上午我们有什么课? 嗨,Bobby.今天是星期一,我们有音乐课和数学课。我喜欢音乐课。 2, What lessons do we have this afternoon, Sam? We have PE and Science. I like PE. It’s fun. 我们今天下午有什么课,Sam? 我们有体育和科学课。我喜欢体育,它很有趣。 3. Ouch! But I don’t like that. 哎哟,但是我不喜欢那个。


第一套: 九月十五日是老年节,据说是把六十五岁以上的人称之为老人但今天在日本有1550万老人。日本是老人宜居的国度吗。 电车和巴士上都设有老弱病残孕座位,那都是为老年人和身体不好的人专设的,可现在常常坐的都是年轻人和健康的人,而且还有电车拥挤的时候,连站起来让座的人都没有。 据说2000年65岁以上的人达到2100万,到那时即使把电车上的椅子全改成老弱病残孕座位也许也不够用。 如果定义快乐那就是(并不是什么有用的事,但对自己来说,是快乐的事,高兴的事,心情愉快的事),没有任何意义成了重点,我们被强迫遵从大人的旨意,一定要懂得为何而努力占了上风,(1.为考试而学习,2.为健康要摄取那丰富的营养,3.为了收入要工作,4,为了明天要早睡,5,为了获取知道要读书)有目的地去做确定很现实,但如果经常这样考虑的话,真的好累。 或许是因为日本人过度劳累这样的指责在高涨,最近一些日本的公司也设置了一周或十天的假期,利用假期远离都市,游山玩水,出国旅游的人逐年增加。 还有每年的八月,相当于旧历的盂兰盆节,很多人为了扫墓回到家乡,平时远离亲戚和家人的人好像都在期待着盂兰盆节的大聚会,被称之为民族大移动,节日前后,很多城市人一同回乡下,然后再一同返回城市。 这样一来,夏季旅行的人多了列车就混杂,旅馆也爆满,所以为了快乐旅行,有必要事先亲自制定好计划,包括交通工具和住宿地。 第二套: 人们把认为不可能的事渐渐变为可能,比如说翱翔天空,是人类很早以前的梦想,但今天借助于飞机人们比任何鸟类都飞的好。 人们到底是怎么把不可能的事变为可行的呢,我认为这得益于发明和练习,飞机发明以来,实现了飞天的梦想,但我们自己去还不能驾驶飞机,是因为我们没有受到相应的训练,当然也就不能操纵飞机了。 但练习,绝非容易的一件事,它需要不断的努力和忍耐,我们相应地举个游泳的例子就没明白了,讨厌努力和忍耐的人,是不能成功的。 最近自行车运动等环保运动很盛行,为了把我们美丽的地球留给我们的后代,我们到底能做些什么呢。一个是资源的保护,第二就是由于公害造成的环境破坏。也就是我们一般的市民在日常生活中能做的事就是节约有限的资源,以及不破坏大气和水,但那是相当难的事,我们日常生活中的一点点行为都是在破坏环境,可以说现代人的生活正在根本上发生变化,比如说,开车会带来汽油的浪费和大气的污染,聚餐的时候,使用的方便筷子和塑料制品也是在过度地浪费资源。 感谢大家今天能光临现场,这三年来我得到了课长及大家的多多关照,真的谢谢了。 我印象最深的是,刚来计划部的时候,因为资料的错误,使得营业课的田中课长非常生气,一同陪我道歉的中岛课长,以及留下来加班帮我修改资料的井上君,加藤君,在些我一并感谢诸位,经常很严厉的渡边君曾激励我【如果害怕失败,那就不能前进】这句话我至今

新视野一 第一单元 原文与翻译 汉语翻译版

Toward a brighter future for all 奔向更加光明的未来 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。在这所大学里,我们承诺将使你们学有所成。 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。妈妈吩咐我们:“姿势自然点。”“等一等,”爸爸说,“把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。”在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。至今它还放在 我办公室的桌子上。 让我来告诉你们一些你们未必预料得到的事情。你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣!但是要记住:未来是建立在过去扎实的基础上的。 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着去追求新的爱好。我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。你不可能选修所有的课程,但是要尽可能体验更多的课程!大学里有很多事情可做可学,每件事情都会为你提供不同视角来审视世界。如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己!不要认为你早就了解自己对什么样的领域最感兴趣。选择一些你从未接触过的领域的课程。这样,你不仅会变得更加博学,而且更有可能发现一个你未曾想到的、能成就你未来的爱好。一个绝佳的例子就是时装设计师王薇薇。她最初学的是艺术史。随着时间的推移,王薇薇2把艺术史研究和对时装的热爱结合起来,并将其转化为对设计的热情,从而使她成为全球闻名的设计师。 在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。在你的宿舍楼里,住在你隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂!你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友却是个夜猫子!尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可

赤壁之战 翻译

赤壁之战翻译 当初,鲁肃听说刘表死,就对孙权说:“荆州与我国接邻,地理形势险要、坚固,肥沃的土地方圆万里,百姓殷实富裕,如果占有它,这就是开创帝王事业的凭借。现在刘表刚死,他(刘表)的两个儿子(刘琦、刘琮)不和,军队中的那些将领,有的拥戴刘琦,有的拥戴刘琮。 刘备是天下的豪杰,跟曹操有仇,寄居在刘表那里,刘表嫉妒他的才能而不重用(他)。如果刘备同他们(指原属刘表手下的人)荆州方面的人同心协力,上下一致,(我们)就应当安抚他们,与他们结盟友好;如果他们有所背离(指刘表和荆州将领不能合作),(我们)就该另外筹划这件事情,以成就(我们的)大业。我请求奉您之命去慰问刘表的两个儿子,并慰劳(他们)军中掌权的人物,以及劝说刘备使他安抚刘表的部下,同心一意,共同对付曹操,刘备一定会高兴而听从我们的意见。如果这件事能够成功,天下就可以安定下来了。现在不赶快前往,恐怕就被曹操占了先(抢先)。”孙权立刻派鲁肃前往。(鲁肃)到夏口,听说曹操已向荆州进军,(于是)日夜赶路,等(鲁肃)到了南郡,(刘表的二儿子)刘琮已投降曹操,刘备向南逃跑,鲁肃直接迎向前去,与刘备在当阳县长坂坡相会。鲁肃转达孙权的意旨,(和刘备)讨论天下大事和当前行势,表示恳切慰问的心意,并且问刘备说:“刘豫州现在想到哪里去?”刘备说:“我和苍梧太守吴巨有老交情,想去投奔他。”鲁肃说:“孙讨虏(孙权,曹操曾以汉献帝的名义授给他讨虏将军的名号)将军聪明仁惠,敬重以礼相待贤能之士,江南的英雄豪杰都归附他,已经占据了六个郡,兵精粮足,足够用来成就大业。现在为您打算,不如派遣最亲信的人,主动同东边吴国结盟,以共同成就一番世代相传的事业。(但是您)却打算投奔吴巨,吴巨是个平庸的人,又处在偏僻边远的州郡,快要被别人吞并了,(这样的人)难道可以托身吗?”刘备(听了)很高兴。鲁肃又对诸葛亮说:“我是子瑜的朋友。”就同刘备等定下了交情。(另译)两个人随即(也因子瑜的关系)交了朋友。子瑜就是诸葛亮的哥哥诸葛瑾,在江东避乱,(现在做)孙权的长史。刘备采纳了鲁肃的建议,(率兵)进驻鄂县的樊口。 曹操从江陵将要顺着长江东下,诸葛亮对刘备说:“事情很危急,请(让我)奉命向孙将军求救。”于是就同鲁肃一起去拜见孙权。诸葛亮在柴桑会见到了孙权,劝孙权说:“(现在)天下大乱,将军(您)在江东起兵,刘豫州在汉水以南招收兵马,同曹操共同争夺天下。现在曹操削平大乱(消灭各地割据势力),(中原地区)大致已稳定局面,就(南下)攻破荆州,声威震动天下。英雄没有施展武力的地方了,所以刘豫州逃到这里,希望将军估量自己的力量来对付这个局面! 如果能够拿(江东)吴、越的兵力同中原(的曹操)对抗,不如趁早同他断绝关系;如果不能,为什么不放下武器、捆起铠甲,向(曹操)投降(向北朝拜称臣)呢!现在将军外表上假托服从(曹操)的名义,而内心里却怀着犹豫不决的心思,事情紧迫而又不能决断,灾祸降临就没有多少时候了!”孙权说:“假若像您所说,刘豫州为什么不投降曹操呢?”诸葛亮说:“田横,(不过是)齐国的一个壮士罢了,还能恪守节义不肯受辱;何况刘豫州(是)汉王室的后代,英明才智超过当世,众人仰慕敬重他,好像水流入大海一样。如果大事不能成功,就是天意,又怎能甘心屈服在曹操之下呢?”孙权激怒的说:“我不能拿整个东吴的土地,十多万将士,来受别人控制,我的主意已经决定


必修1第一单元Reading 阅读 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now r ead how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15, June, 1944 Dear kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here.…For example, when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time some months ago, I happened to be upstairs one evening when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly…I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne Using Language 语言运用 Reading and listening 读与听 1 Read the letter that Lisa wrote to Miss Wang of Radio for Teenagers and predict what Miss Wang will say. After listening, check and discuss her advice. Dear Miss Wang, I am having some trouble with my classmates at the moment. I’m getting along well with a boy in my class. We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each other. We have become really good friends. But other students have started gossiping. They say that this boy and I have fallen in love. This has made me angry. I don’t want to end the friendship, but I hate other s gossiping. What should I do? Yours, Lisa Reading and writing 读与写 Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiaodong. He is also asking for some advice. Read the letter on the right carefully and help Miss Wang answer it.




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